Positive Housing

Positive Housing

We have collated a list of numbers for companies and services in the local area that you may find useful.

Useful Numbers and Websites

Transco: 0800 111 999

Severn Trent: 0345 750 0500

South Staffs Water: 0800 389 1011

Walsall Council Tax: 0300 555 2852

Walsall Benefit services:0300 555 2855

Walsall refuse collection: 01922 650000

Birmingham Council Tax: 0121-303-1113

Birmingham Benefit services: 0121-464-7000

Birmingham refuse collection: 0121 303 1112

Solihull Council Tax:0121 704 8100

Solihull Benefit Services: 0121 704 8200

Solihull refuse collection: 0121 704 8000

Sandwell council Tax: 0121 368 1155

Sandwell Benefit services: 0121 368 0800

Sandwell refuse collection: 0121 368 1177

Universal Credit: 0345 600 0723

Employment support allowance: 0345 608 8545

HMRC Tax Credits: 0345 300 3900

Child Benefit: 0300 200 3100

5 steps to mental wellbeing

BMI healthy weight calculator

Healthy weight

Information for adults and children about healthy weight, including advice to help you lose weight


Exercise guidelines and workouts to help improve your fitness and wellbeing

Sleep and tiredness

Reasons why you might feel tired and advice about what you can do to prevent tiredness

Eat Well

Information and advice about eating a healthy, balanced diet

Alcohol advice

Advice and support for cutting down the amount of alcohol you drink

Quit smoking

Information and advice to help you stop smoking

Addiction support

Help and support for addiction, including drug and gambling addictions

Sexual health

Information and advice about sexual health, including contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Bone health

Advice about keeping your bones healthy


Support and advice to help with your pain

Healthy teeth and gums

Information and advice about looking after your teeth and gums

Seasonal health

Advice about staying healthy during winter and summer

How to wash your hands

Step-by-step guide to washing your hands

When your child is too ill for school

Advice about when to keep your child off school or nursery

Positive Housing

To speak to one of our friendly customer service team members